i2i wheelchairs

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  Legal notices

I2I Engineering Limited

Registered office:  71, Howard Street,  North Shields, Tyne and Wear,  NE30 1AF United Kingdom

Registered in Wales no: 5517156  

Chief Executive Officer:  Basil Firth

e-mail basil.firth@i2iwheelchairs.com

Telephone +44 563 530 718

Notice on Copyrights and Trademarks
All rights reserved. The texts, pictures, graphs, and trademarks featured on I2I Wheelchairs Limited (i2i) websites are subject to copyright, trademark laws, and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied, changed, or used on other internet sites, neither for commercial purposes nor distribution, without our prior permission.

No warranties are given by the information on the i2i internet pages. Any warranties, in particular the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or the non-violation of laws or patents of i2i products shall be expressly excluded, since internet pages may contain errors or inaccuracies in spite of the due care applied.

I2i does not make any warranties whatsoever for other websites that you might access from the i2i website. It is your responsibility to ensure that applications you use are free from viruses, Trojan Horses, or other potentially damaging effect. I2i shall not be held liable, neither to you nor any third party, for any damage resulting from the use of this website or any websites linked to it. Excluded are, in particular, liability for loss of profit, interruption of operations, loss of programs or other data in your information systems. This shall apply even if we are expressly notified of the possibility of such damage.

Intellectual Property
The publishing or mentioning of intellectual property of i2i, in particular patents, trademarks, and copyrights, does not constitute concession of licensing rights.  


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The i2i® logo is a registered trade mark. Copyright 2006, I2I Wheelchairs.